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If anyways noticed I've pretty much failed to update anything in the last weeks, my remnants story of the Boards still doesn't have a part 3. The RPG Blog hasn't received an update in over a month and haven't really been doing many rps lately. This is because of a combination of factors including the start of a new semester, an active D&D campaign, and the biggest factor is burn out. Now don;t confuse this for writer's block I have plenty of ideas on where to bring the majority of my stories, play my RP characters and even start plenty of new tales. No the primary trait of Writer's burn out is apathy to applying work to any of my well works. As such remnants is inconclusive right, Forgrim Kingsforge has yet to be introduced and my campaign had begun to stall with me winging descriptions and what not. This coupled with the semester starting makes me lethargic and waste most of my time playing my DSi, though I do now own 60 different Pokemon so theirs that, The likely cause of my burnout is in fact my campaign which does take a lot of prep time every week and thus devours the majority of my creative juices while I sit around sketching out flow charts in my history notebook. The remedy of this situation is hopefully going to be a short break from DMing to recharge my batteries at the end of my current story arc. Hopefully this short break will help me get back into all my various stories and I apologize in advance for anyone's disappointment in my slow descent into the depth ... Read more »
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 829 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2012-02-14 | Comments (0)

So tonight I was hanging out in the CM chat room as i usually do and after some discussion of various topics eventually the New My Little Pony Series Came up, I stated how I felt, having only seen parts of it, that it was in short dumb. For those of you unaware the new MLP series is something of and internet meme for some reason, I blame 4chan, being viewed by hundreds if not thousands of people on hub and youtube. Its got to the point where I think every message board I frequent except CM oddly has a MLP thread. So moving on with the story, the girl i was talking to tells me to watch the first two episodes before I judge it, fair enough a whole don't judge a book by its cover deal. So I go ahead and watch it.... man was that a disappointing 45 minutes.

Now when I say disappointing I mean I did not get almost any enjoyment out of the two episodes, and that might just be because my political science and history teachers have poisoned my mind with over analyzing things, because within the first 2 minutes I already had a complaint. My Complaint? A Simple History is written by the Winners argument. The first two minutes are a back story of the My Little Pony universe for this generation, essentially their are these two ponies Celestia and Luna one is the goddess of Day and the Other is the Goddess of Night and they created all the ponies together.  Luna gets all mad because the ponies play during the day and like her sister Celestia better, so Luna gets the idea of ma ... Read more »
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 863 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2011-12-11 | Comments (1)

Among all of my hobbies one of my biggest is the Dungeons and Dragons Campaign I host every week. After some thought I've decided to publish some of my views on D&D and RPGs in general, but to prevent my Rants from filling up with RPG related nonsense which most won't understand I've seperated it off onto a Tumblr account that I've set up its linked it my profile, and heres a direct link.
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 449 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2011-12-02 | Comments (0)

I'm sure the few of you who frequent this site have noticed a lack of updates since January, if you remember I was discussing a upcoming demo well here is the story on what happened to us.

Development was going strong I was have way through the demo but then some trouble set in. Some of you might know that before Pyd moved he did the majority of the in game scripting and event creation, since then I was essentially left to the task and as I was learning the process (which I'm quite good at now) several Bugs appeared, these bugs became my top priority but ultimately stressed me out, since Pyd had no net at the time I couldn't ask his thoughts on the bugs and since CS is almost dumbfounded by the technical errors (funny since he does all the numbers) I was isolated in this fight, so as my stress continued to rise I quit working on the demo leaving it half finished. My job is world and map creation, not bug repair. A couple bugs I'd like to mention are
  • AMS crash- Our automated Message Script suddenly stopped working so I had to find a new one, Luckily this has been essentially fixed
  • Missing Move- Because of the way our Battle system is coded, one of our character's moves doesn't work properly, this still is a problem
  • Monster Strength- Though the stats worked originally now it seems monsters are to strong or to weak
  • Monster Chase- In our system monsters chase you down on the over world then you fight, this wasn't working last time I check ... Read more »
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 420 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)

Ah Windows Seven Today I have had the pleasure to upgrade my computer and I got to say its pretty nice much better then Vista and more of a Sequel to XP.

A lot of the Feature are similar to macs, but still have the windows feel, the new Pin-able programs makes it quick and easy to use your favorite tasks also its all shiny and you all know how I like shiny things

In a Update of Software at this point I have my Computer which is now W7 like this post is discussing which means I'll be able to work on MoN using my Desktop (couldn't before because of a Error with XP) instead of my Laptop which is retaining its XPisms because its lack of DVD drive. Pydyvixl is still compless and I might lend him a Laptop so he can type me up some plot but he should be getting a W7 computer soon. Cursed is the farthest behind he was goin get Seven today too but much like my laptop he likes a DVD drive so he'll be on XP until we get another computer
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 434 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2009-12-19 | Comments (0)

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