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Journal Entries on the Development of Games, Products and Other Projects of Phantom Vyb.
Pali's Rants
Randomness, and strange obscure information that will probably never help but hey might be worth the giggles
Pydyvixl Jarble
Full all the Ys, Xs, and Zs, you'll ever need
Cursed Soldier's Cantina
Have a nice discussion with the soldier himself in the local pub
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Seriously I think it's so stupid. I know more people Offended by "Political Correctness" than I know who are offended by "Merry Christmas" And Like I said in the Title, Holiday means Holy Day. So in the end you are still acknowledging the holiness of the day. Of course there are many holidays that are not holy (bank and american holidays) so I guess people don't understand the meaning of the word. Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all and God bless. (this is a christian site, if you're offended by that you probably wouldn't be on here in the first place) Now on to a real Jarble, I've been thinking about all the traditions people create for themselves and their families to do every holiday. I never understood this, I like change. I don't think I could do the same thing again and again and again every year. I especialy don't understand handing down family traditions. I guess it's because my family didn't ever have real traditions. My mom and I kept moving from state to state, town to town, and house to house. So we never had time to develop such things. Now I'm not bashing people who do have traditions, I just think it's nice to just wing it and do what you feel like. This year I spent three hours sword fighting with my Bro-in-Law, got a swollen knee and index finger now, and I loved doing that. But doesn't mean that's what I'm doing next year. I used to I guess have a tradition on thanksgiving and other holidays to seclude myself and play video games alone,
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No seriously I mean can you call it a smiley if it is frowning? It's not smiling so it's not a smiley right? I guess that is why they are some times called Emoticons... Anyways, I have been thinking a lot of times in life we are just like the sad smiley. We say we are fine and dandy, but inside we are hiding a deep deep sorrow. Why is it as humans we think that it's better to just hide what we are feeling when there are those out there that want us to open up so they can help us? I guess it's a part of a pride complex many of us face. We are too proud or too strong to let others know we are hurting. Wow this is so deep today... CRAZY RANDOM HAPPY DANCE TIME!!!! I can't stay sad for long myself. I don't like being down in the gutter cause that's where leaf and dabree go.... (I know that's spelled wrong but speel check isn't giving me the right words) But even I sometimes hide what I'm feeling until I can't hold it in anymore... Like this one time at work I just had an emotional break down and then ran into the break room and... Oh anyways, I guess my point is, we need to not hold it in so much cause it's not healthy. We'll feel a lot better once we get it off our chest. *Removes alien leach from chest* Ah that's better. As Harmony would say "Open up your heart. If you gradually remove the pain it will hurt less then if you let it burst out at once." Ok too deep today... ANOTHER RANDOM HAPPY DANCE! (I actually thought about this cause I made custom smiley's for th
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A customer got me with this mainly because he first asked if I'm good with English... of course I answered incorrectly cause I was thinking in terms of English and not Math.... So Anywho it got me thinking a little bit about perspective. Now perspective can be defined as multiple things depending at what angle you are coming from (that being one of the definitions of the word itself) And it really makes some things just look outright funny. I mean even ones perspective of the word perspective can change. Do you think of it as how close or far an object is when you hear the word. Or does your mind instantly think "Peoples different points of view on an issue"?
Well whichever is the case you end up participating in examining perspective just by answering that question.
So when you look at the title question, you can be right if you say "2 and 8 is 5" because you are looking at the grammar in an English perspective. Or you can be correct by saying "Both statements are wrong!" Because you are answering from a mathematical perspective. So yeah, that's perspective in a nutshell. It's a fun thing to play around with. I like confusing people.
As Masa would say "It's delicious" and then he'd eat... Where did you get that sandwich from Masa? -Pydyvixl
The title loosely has to do with today's Jarble. I'm essentially talking about stubbornness (namely my own past stubbornness) You ever notice how many double letters are in stubbornness... it's funny...oh anyways In the past I used to not like having some one "Edit and critic" my stories, I used to have the mindset "I'm an awesome righter and I think it's great the way it is" But I'm a little more mature than that now and realize that even the best writers (which I do not feel I'm among) need to have their stories and such reviewed and edited. I used to feel like I didn't have control if some one else told me to change something I wrote, and that is the thing. I do not have control. I said I was writing Melodies of Nitria for God so he has control, and if that is the case then I should embrace the help God has given me through my team. I am blessed to have those who would constructively critisize my work and help me build it up to be the great story it's going to be. A tower is not built by one man, but built by a team. And I thank God for my team. If it weren't for their input MoN would probably be a lot less entertaining. So as Harmony would say "Don't try to do it on your own Lazarus... Everyone is here for you" (Ok that's a little cheesy I know XD) -Pydyvixl
So yeah I noticed this logbook was looking pretty empty so I decided it's high time I posted something... I'm Pydyvixl that's P Y D Y V I X L. I'm 19 and a bagger, not beggar, at (store name removed to protect the innocent...from horrible horrible things) But you probably didn't need to know all that. Anyways I have been working on MoN for such a long time, it's actually changed a total of five times. So let's go back in time and track it's development In the beginning God created the heaven and earth... Wait that's too far back Ok the year is 2006 and I was in Eighth grade. I spent hours upon hours on the computer because I lived in the middle of no wheres in a small town in North Carolina. One day I was bored so I went and made random avatars on Techtech (a Gaia avatar creator site) and decided to make them characters in a sprite comic. I called the Comic Songs of Nitria, but I decided that I liked the word "Melodies" Better (this was inspired by the final fantasy song Melodies of Life) The Sprite Comic was a parody of RPG games in which the hero entered a tournament with his best friend but from there got mixed up in a war with Nitria and Sollu. I only made 27 pages (which was only one and a half chapters) before I lost all my progress. Two years later I moved back to my home town in CT where I reunited with my two best buddies in the world. One day while Cursed Soldier and I were hanging out we saw a video of a real live final fantasy on youtube.
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