Friday, 2025-01-17, 8:44 PM


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Capitol: Nitropolis
Leader: Arch Bishop Polus
Nitria is a Theocratic Country vesting most of its power in the Arch Bishop of Nitropolis. Nitria was founded after the 1000 year war, and though a young nation in comparison to its brethren across the sea it prides itself on upholding religious law and believes that their nation is the closest to God's plan. Since they began to settle the continent, the Nitrians have frequently come into conflict with the native tribes who did not have the same faith as the settlers, this ultimately culminated in a revolt by the natives in the south and the loss of half of nation. The northern half retained the old Nitrian government and is now policed by the Del'Ni Templar, based in Dena'Toula, an elite Military Order, the Templar are incredibly strict, upholding the old laws of the land and frequently blocking any attempts of reform. Since an attack on Nitrian Soil at the end of the year by the Dredian army, the Templar have been preparing to go war with Dredia at the end of the year of peace.
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