Friday, 2025-01-17, 9:08 PM


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Lazareth Durvis
Age: 27
Ara: Fire
Date of Birth: May 17th
Birth Place: Endoa, Dredia
Weapon: Claymore
Height: 5'9''
Blood Type: AB
Bio: Lazareth was raised as a soldier by General Haddes to become an elite Krusader of Dredia. He has believed his whole life that he is "The Messiah of Prosperity" for Dredia. He obtained the sacred blade "Azreal" and was christened "Death Angel" when he was 17. However certain events occurred during the siege on capitol city of Sollu and resulted in Lazareth denouncing any further involvement with the Krusaders and deciding to flee to Nitria.

Jed Denmaskis
Age: 29
Ara: Force
Date of Birth: July 17th
Birth Place: Drestrilan, Dredia
Weapon: Gear Sword
Height: 5'11''
Blood Type: A
Bio: Jed was raised alongside Lazareth as a Krusader. He quickly ascended the ranks and became a captain at the age of 18 then later a Colonel at the age of 22. He is known as the "Chain Demon" because of his master of the "Gear Sword" A sword which contains a razor chain mechanism. Jed was appointed to lead the siege upon Sollu's capital of Hensdale by the Crown General of the Krusaders, Haddes, but that wasn't his only assignment on that evening. Following the siege Jed was sent to recover the his childhood friend Lazareth who had recently deserted.

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