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To my friends here and on CM I apologize for my lack of being on, its hard to juggle alot of things at once and when it comes down to it its you who suffer.  I been buzy with school and trying to figure out what I'm doing with myself, that and catching up on a lot of anime I've haven't finished. I know no one will really read this but hey i thought I let you guys know what I'm up. To Jawzie especially im sorry for not rping with you much and I'm going to try and be one the site more often and getting back on to CM. I'll see you guys soon I hope.
Category: Cursed Soldier's Cantina | Views: 773 | Added by: CursedSoldier | Date: 2012-03-26 | Comments (0)

If anyways noticed I've pretty much failed to update anything in the last weeks, my remnants story of the Boards still doesn't have a part 3. The RPG Blog hasn't received an update in over a month and haven't really been doing many rps lately. This is because of a combination of factors including the start of a new semester, an active D&D campaign, and the biggest factor is burn out. Now don;t confuse this for writer's block I have plenty of ideas on where to bring the majority of my stories, play my RP characters and even start plenty of new tales. No the primary trait of Writer's burn out is apathy to applying work to any of my well works. As such remnants is inconclusive right, Forgrim Kingsforge has yet to be introduced and my campaign had begun to stall with me winging descriptions and what not. This coupled with the semester starting makes me lethargic and waste most of my time playing my DSi, though I do now own 60 different Pokemon so theirs that, The likely cause of my burnout is in fact my campaign which does take a lot of prep time every week and thus devours the majority of my creative juices while I sit around sketching out flow charts in my history notebook. The remedy of this situation is hopefully going to be a short break from DMing to recharge my batteries at the end of my current story arc. Hopefully this short break will help me get back into all my various stories and I apologize in advance for anyone's disappointment in my slow descent into the depth ... Read more »
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 834 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2012-02-14 | Comments (0)

The Melodies of Nitria Demo is now up, you can find it in the downloads section, have fun and tell us what you think on the BBS
Category: Development Journal | Views: 786 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2012-01-20 | Comments (0)

Yesterday's meeting finally brought together the few things we had left to complete before the demo's release. The site is finally up to date, with a new character page and a Mas'Gail page built with flash, which should link you to the appropriate pages. The last few scenes of the demo we're completed and the text was spell checked. So the demo will officially be up this Friday, January the 20th. Though they're are still plenty of things I'd like to update on the site those things will have to wait until later in development.
Category: Development Journal | Views: 830 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2012-01-18 | Comments (0)

Ahh yes, in true Paliurus fashion, it takes me several months to write a new Update, but unlike last time where I was reporting an actually beginning of game work after a long hiatus, this time I'm proud to officially announce we are in fact ready to finally release that Demo. Our weekly meetings have been occurring and producing the demo as well as helping us update the website for the Demo's launch. Some things you might want to check out if you haven't already are our staff bio page, which is less of a bio and more of a inner working of how team Vyb. operates. Also I just uploaded 3 new screenshots to the gallery of the Demo, we added an Affiliate page where we linked Pyd's personal production site New Identity Media. Also I've been building more pages for Characters of the Game and Nations of Mas'Gail. You can expect those to uploaded soon, as well as a new Map for the Mas'Gail page which looks much nicer IMO.

Now moving to what you probably clicked this link to read about, the Melodies of Nitria Demo. The Demo will be be the first level in the game, and will feature two playable characters, Lazareth of course and a new character you guys haven't been introduced to yet, but has been around since the previous non-canon demo, Jed Denmaskis. I won't reveal to much about him because I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Now this demo's release date will definitely be before the end of the month, and if it isn't then I have failed you for the second year in a row.
< ... Read more »
Category: Development Journal | Views: 736 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2012-01-12 | Comments (0)

Seriously I think it's so stupid. I know more people Offended by "Political Correctness" than I know who are offended by "Merry Christmas"
And Like I said in the Title, Holiday means Holy Day. So in the end you are still acknowledging the holiness of the day. Of course there are many holidays that are not holy (bank and american holidays) so I guess people don't understand the meaning of the word.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all and God bless. (this is a christian site, if you're offended by that you probably wouldn't be on here in the first place)

Now on to a real Jarble, I've been thinking about all the traditions people create for themselves and their families to do every holiday. I never understood this, I like change. I don't think I could do the same thing again and again and again every year. I especialy don't understand handing down family traditions. I guess it's because my family didn't ever have real traditions. My mom and I kept moving from state to state, town to town, and house to house. So we never had time to develop such things.
Now I'm not bashing people who do have traditions, I just think it's nice to just wing it and do what you feel like.
This year I spent three hours sword fighting with my Bro-in-Law, got a swollen knee and index finger now, and I loved doing that. But doesn't mean that's what I'm doing next year. I used to I guess have a tradition on thanksgiving and other holidays to seclude myself and play video games alone, ... Read more »
Category: Pydyvixl Jarble | Views: 839 | Added by: Pydyvixl | Date: 2011-12-26 | Comments (2)

Category: Pydyvixl Jarble | Views: 634 | Added by: Pydyvixl | Date: 2011-12-12 | Comments (0)

So tonight I was hanging out in the CM chat room as i usually do and after some discussion of various topics eventually the New My Little Pony Series Came up, I stated how I felt, having only seen parts of it, that it was in short dumb. For those of you unaware the new MLP series is something of and internet meme for some reason, I blame 4chan, being viewed by hundreds if not thousands of people on hub and youtube. Its got to the point where I think every message board I frequent except CM oddly has a MLP thread. So moving on with the story, the girl i was talking to tells me to watch the first two episodes before I judge it, fair enough a whole don't judge a book by its cover deal. So I go ahead and watch it.... man was that a disappointing 45 minutes.

Now when I say disappointing I mean I did not get almost any enjoyment out of the two episodes, and that might just be because my political science and history teachers have poisoned my mind with over analyzing things, because within the first 2 minutes I already had a complaint. My Complaint? A Simple History is written by the Winners argument. The first two minutes are a back story of the My Little Pony universe for this generation, essentially their are these two ponies Celestia and Luna one is the goddess of Day and the Other is the Goddess of Night and they created all the ponies together.  Luna gets all mad because the ponies play during the day and like her sister Celestia better, so Luna gets the idea of ma ... Read more »
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 864 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2011-12-11 | Comments (1)

Among all of my hobbies one of my biggest is the Dungeons and Dragons Campaign I host every week. After some thought I've decided to publish some of my views on D&D and RPGs in general, but to prevent my Rants from filling up with RPG related nonsense which most won't understand I've seperated it off onto a Tumblr account that I've set up its linked it my profile, and heres a direct link.

Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 454 | Added by: Paliurus | Date: 2011-12-02 | Comments (0)

No seriously I mean can you call it a smiley if it is frowning? It's not smiling so it's not a smiley right? I guess that is why they are some times called Emoticons... Anyways, I have been thinking a lot of times in life we are just like the sad smiley. We say we are fine and dandy, but inside we are hiding a deep deep sorrow. Why is it as humans we think that it's better to just hide what we are feeling when there are those out there that want us to open up so they can help us? I guess it's a part of a pride complex many of us face. We are too proud or too strong to let others know we are hurting. Wow this is so deep today... CRAZY RANDOM HAPPY DANCE TIME!!!!
I can't stay sad for long myself. I don't like being down in the gutter cause that's where leaf and dabree go.... (I know that's spelled wrong but speel check isn't giving me the right words) But even I sometimes hide what I'm feeling until I can't hold it in anymore... Like this one time at work I just had an emotional break down and then ran into the break room and... Oh anyways, I guess my point is, we need to not hold it in so much cause it's not healthy. We'll feel a lot better once we get it off our chest. *Removes alien leach from chest* Ah that's better.
As Harmony would say "Open up your heart. If you gradually remove the pain it will hurt less then if you let it burst out at once."

Ok too deep today... ANOTHER RANDOM HAPPY DANCE! (I actually thought about this cause I made custom smiley's for th ... Read more »
Category: Pydyvixl Jarble | Views: 387 | Added by: Pydyvixl | Date: 2011-11-13 | Comments (0)

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