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Main » 2011 » December » 11 » Pony Friendship is Blegh!
2:38 AM
Pony Friendship is Blegh!
So tonight I was hanging out in the CM chat room as i usually do and after some discussion of various topics eventually the New My Little Pony Series Came up, I stated how I felt, having only seen parts of it, that it was in short dumb. For those of you unaware the new MLP series is something of and internet meme for some reason, I blame 4chan, being viewed by hundreds if not thousands of people on hub and youtube. Its got to the point where I think every message board I frequent except CM oddly has a MLP thread. So moving on with the story, the girl i was talking to tells me to watch the first two episodes before I judge it, fair enough a whole don't judge a book by its cover deal. So I go ahead and watch it.... man was that a disappointing 45 minutes.

Now when I say disappointing I mean I did not get almost any enjoyment out of the two episodes, and that might just be because my political science and history teachers have poisoned my mind with over analyzing things, because within the first 2 minutes I already had a complaint. My Complaint? A Simple History is written by the Winners argument. The first two minutes are a back story of the My Little Pony universe for this generation, essentially their are these two ponies Celestia and Luna one is the goddess of Day and the Other is the Goddess of Night and they created all the ponies together.  Luna gets all mad because the ponies play during the day and like her sister Celestia better, so Luna gets the idea of making it constantly night time so her creations can enjoy the nighttime. Celestia gets all annoyed, rightfully so, and trys to convince Luna to let the day come, Luna says no and turns Evil and becomes Nightmare Moon. So Celestia gathers up the six magic orbs or whatever and shoots Nightmare Moon with a Laser locking her in the Moon for a Thousand years becoming to chief deity of Day and Night.

Whoa Whoa Whoa, do you see the problem? Well its an Easy one, How do we know this is what really happened? Because Celestia put it in a book, so I don't think Celestia is a very reliable narrator here seeing as she was one of the belligerents in this battle. So Celestia has kind of a bias when reporting on this event to her followers.

So the whole Celestia locking her own sister in the Moon was probably a whole breaking point for me because through out the rest of the next two episodes whenever Nightmare Moon showed up and everyone was all like "Ohh no its Nightmare Moon here to Take over the Kingdom" I was siding with NM because she had a Legitimate claim to the Kingdom seeing as she made part of it. It'd be alot like if you and a friend built a house, got in a fight over the drapes so your friend stole your key and locked you out for a thousand years and when you came back everyone called you evil. Not the perfect analogy sure but hey I thrive off of imperfect analogies.

Anyways this is getting a bit long so I'm going to wrap it up now by addressing some final points, the most important being "but Pali My Little Pony Friendship is Magic wasn't targeted at you." Which is exactly my point I'm a young man who enjoys watching power rangers still because I find bad puns hilarious, and superheroes in spandex awesome, who also enjoys anime that requires to me to think and assess certain things, you should see some of my thoughts on Death Note, and of course over the top Spiral powers of Gurren Lagann. Mostly things with explosions, stupid boyish humor and death counts in the hundreds, not hyperactive Unicorns and Pegasi. So my final thoughts on My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is that its not for me and if you enjoy don't try and make me watch it unless you want me to contort the Aesop of the Episode into a horrid message.
Category: Pali's Rants | Views: 863 | Added by: Paliurus | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Pydyvixl  
lol I completely agree. I honestly don't understand why some one would tell an adult male to watch the show though. It's demographic is tween females so it's no wonder that an adult male wouldn't like it. I only saw it once and I think it is really cheesy and this is coming from a guy who still watches vegietales.

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