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Main » 2011 » November » 14
No seriously I mean can you call it a smiley if it is frowning? It's not smiling so it's not a smiley right? I guess that is why they are some times called Emoticons... Anyways, I have been thinking a lot of times in life we are just like the sad smiley. We say we are fine and dandy, but inside we are hiding a deep deep sorrow. Why is it as humans we think that it's better to just hide what we are feeling when there are those out there that want us to open up so they can help us? I guess it's a part of a pride complex many of us face. We are too proud or too strong to let others know we are hurting. Wow this is so deep today... CRAZY RANDOM HAPPY DANCE TIME!!!!
I can't stay sad for long myself. I don't like being down in the gutter cause that's where leaf and dabree go.... (I know that's spelled wrong but speel check isn't giving me the right words) But even I sometimes hide what I'm feeling until I can't hold it in anymore... Like this one time at work I just had an emotional break down and then ran into the break room and... Oh anyways, I guess my point is, we need to not hold it in so much cause it's not healthy. We'll feel a lot better once we get it off our chest. *Removes alien leach from chest* Ah that's better.
As Harmony would say "Open up your heart. If you gradually remove the pain it will hurt less then if you let it burst out at once."

Ok too deep today... ANOTHER RANDOM HAPPY DANCE! (I actually thought about this cause I made custom smiley's for th ... Read more »
Category: Pydyvixl Jarble | Views: 389 | Added by: Pydyvixl | Date: 2011-11-13 | Comments (0)

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