This is pretty simple all the same rules as the other boards and consequences plus the following RPers
1)Stay on and In Character (RPs aren't for your discussions and Chatting)
-Note: If you have a question about the RP that you wish to ask in topic mark it as OT or OOC:
2)Cussing is a bit more Lenient if your character is a Soap Tongue, but still no F-Bombs or Racial Slurs
3)All Post require some form of RP or Character Submission (No OT/OOC Posts)
4)Respect Fellow Rpers, Staff & GM
5)GM decision overrides RPers
0)Admin and Mods Decision overrides all
Game Masters
1)All RPs should have a Registration form for Character Registration
ex. Name:
2)You may add additional rules for your RPs if you wish
3)Your Responsible for Monitoring your RP and handling Off topic discussions and Rule breakers, A Admin or Mod may close your RP if it frequently is becoming a problem
-Note:Admins and Mods will only close if their are Board Rules being Violated not Topic Rules
4)No Power Abuse, All people may play in your RP as long as they follow the Rules
0)Admin and Mod Decisions Override all